The first of the bluebells are out. The way they catch the light – it’s like the first hint of summer, true summer.
The winter clematis thinks so – he’s gone from old boy to old man, strands of his fluffy beard drifting all over the garden.
The first of the bluebells are out. The way they catch the light – it’s like the first hint of summer, true summer.
The winter clematis thinks so – he’s gone from old boy to old man, strands of his fluffy beard drifting all over the garden.
Brixton has sprung!
The front garden is filled with a scramble of spring bulbs, tumbling upwards towards the sunshine.
It amazes me each year how the flowers keep coming, but even so, I don’t recall seeing a rose bloom in December before. This one was perfect.
In the garden, the plants are still putting on a show – albeit more subdued – despite the cold.
The sun is fading now, but some brave specimens are still eager to catch the last of the golden October light.
In the garden, the bees are buzzing around the ivy, one of the last flowering plants.
Just had to share these flowers from the garden – forget-me-nots and peonies. Forget-me-nots are such pretty little flowers. They’ll always be one of my favourites.
© 2025 … and roses too.