... and roses too.

The worker must have bread, but she must have roses too.

Tag: vietnamese

Recipe: Bahn mi: An inauthentic take on the real thing

Sometimes there are days when you want to be transported to somewhere else. Somewhere exotic. Somewhere far away from the sadness in your city. 

But maybe in these times, it’s a case of putting one foot in front of the other. Of picking ourselves up and being resolutely normal. 

Today I was determined that everything would be normal. 

So I started thinking instead about what I could cook to take us away from the awfulness of last night, and remembered I had a pork fillet in the freezer and a small jar of pork and green peppercorn pate in the cupboard. 

Which means one thing: 

Bahn mi. 

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Recipe: Vietnamese lemongrass pork patties and cucumber peanut salad

The Mothership descended for a visit yesterday and I’d been meaning to try this recipe from Epicurious for ages.

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