... and roses too.

The worker must have bread, but she must have roses too.

Tag: fabric shopping

London markets: Shepherds Bush and Goldhawk Road fabric shopping

Funny how autumn puts a spring in your step.

When the temperature drops and the sun is shining, so it’s just the right weather for exploring London.

Time to head back to Goldhawk Road in search of fabric and trimmings. I’d been with Bryony earlier in the year, when we found treasures including the fabric and trim for this shawl, and had to return with Lettice before long.

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Trip to Leicester to catch a king – and some crafty goodness

So we’re just back from Leicester, where Ted was doing some research. I tagged along to see the Richard III stuff there, and was glad I did. It’s really well done – they’ve brought across the turbulence of the times, the bloodiness of the battles and the excitement of the discovery of his burial site.

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