It’s out! The new autumn/winter Liberty fabrics collection is here – and it’s got some real treats!
Titled “The Silk Road”, it celebrates the journey from east to west that Liberty’s original cotton lawns would have made in Arthur Liberty’s suitcases.
It’s one of Liberty’s more edgy collections (I love that they’re doing this – releasing separate design-led and traditional collections) and features bold prints, geometrics, bright paisleys, exotic florals and – this is exciting – some rather fabulous tiger prints.
My favourites (unsurprisingly) are the ones inspired by the extinct Caspian tiger, a beautiful wild cat with a gloriously striped coat.
The Heads and Tails print is my top pick of the season. It’s just gorgeous – the detail is incredible. The cats’ faces have the most wonderful expressions and their bodies tumble across the fabric in mischievously playful poses. It comes in three colourways – black/silver, black/gold and a gorgeous teal/copper:
The “Wild Cats” print follows the same theme – the pattern is inspired by extinct Caspian tigers, and the striped pattern almost shimmers as it moves. It’s available in brown on black, teal on black and my favourite, silver-grey on black:
The other standout print for me is Desert Landscape, again available in three colourways. A is a mysterious grey/pink; B is a bright yellow/grey and C is a rose/teal mix. They remind me of dawn, daytime and sunset in the desert.
Can you spot the tiny little camels on the dunes?
I’ll be making an infinity scarf from Desert Landscape A, to see me through the winter, and am still deciding what to make with Heads and Tails – possibly an evening bag in the silver/black colourway, lined with black velvet and sporting a matching silver tassle … The Caspian tigers might have appreciated tassles.
See the full collection on the Liberty site here.
Fat quarters of selected prints are available from Alice Caroline.
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