... and roses too.

The worker must have bread, but she must have roses too.

Tag: elena ferrante

April culture update

This month, I’ve been …

Reading …

The Story of a New Name – Elena Ferrante
I confess, I’m completely swept up in Ferrante’s yin/yang story of Lenu and Lila. Ferrante is a spellbinding storyteller, weaving plots around and within plots like the kind of super-complicated crochet only Lettice and Stacey can do. Now at the end of volume 2, all I know is that I might have to ration the third and fourth books, because it will be too, too sad when there’s no more to read.

Second volume in Ferrante’s Neapolitan quartet

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March culture update

The light’s starting to linger, there’s a hint of spring in our steps – but let’s face it, the nights are still pretty parky, so there are plenty of long, dark evenings to spend curled up with movies and books yet. First, though – a rather special record.
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